How To Hide Status on WhatsApp (FM Whatsapp)

There is this feature of uploading status on WhatsApp in which you can upload pictures, videos and written notes that are visible to your chosen contacts. When any of your contacts updates his or her status he can view who has seen their status.

How To Hide Status on FM WhatsApp

In case you don’t want others to know that you have seen their status, you can hide view status in this FM WhatsApp application. Here is how you can do that and how this feature makes FM WhatsApp one of the popular and reliable choices for users. Let us look at what you have to do in order to hide WhatsApp status.

How To Hide Status WhatsApp?

The guide tells you about how to hide WhatsApp status so that others don’t know whether you have seen their status or not. Let us look at the steps that you have to follow to enable this option.

How To Hide Status WhatsApp?

Steps To Follow To Hide Status WhatsApp

Here are step-by-step procedures that you have to follow to hide WhatsApp status view. Attentively, read and understand all the steps and follow them to make sure others cannot see whether you have seen their status or not. In order to hide status what you have to do is:

Steps To Follow To Hide Status WhatsApp
  • Open the FM WhatsApp application on your phone.
  • Then you have to click on the FM mod option.
  • You can find this FM mod option by clicking on the three dots that are located at top left corner or by floating action bar.
  • After opening FM mod, there are setting options available.
  • You have to click on settings and privacy options.
  • Then you have to search for the status option from settings and privacy.
  • Here you will see two options: anti-delete status and hide view status.
  • Enable the hide view status.
  • After you enable it it will turn into a sea green color.
  • Now when you see the status of others, others will not know that you have viewed their status.
  • Moreover if you don’t want to hide the status view you can simply disable the option following the same steps mentioned above.
See also  Recover Anti Delete WhatsApp Messages on FM Whatsapp


Can you hide the view status option in official WhatsApp or not?

No, you cannot hide the view status option from an official WhatsApp. This is because it is only available in the modified applications of WhatsApp such as GB Whatsapp or FM WhatsApp. By enabling this option others cannot see whether you have viewed their status or not.

What is the purpose of the hiding view status option in FM WhatsApp?

If you enable this option in FM WhatsApp that means those who have uploaded their statuses are unable to see whether you have viewed their status or not. You can view their status in privacy without them knowing about you. Unlike official WhatsApp, in FM whatsapp they are unable to see that you have already viewed their status.


Hopefully you have gone through this above article that tells you about how you can hide the view status option in FM WhatsApp. No doubt FM WhatsApp is one of the feature rich messaging applications via which you can communicate with your friends easily and reliably.

In FM WhatsApp there are several features that make it attractive and catchy. We have also elaborated the step-by-step procedure that you can follow to hide view status. Make sure to follow the steps appropriately to change the setting and hide the view status option by simply enabling the option on FM mod settings.

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