FM Whatsapp Status Saver Download 2024

Are you tired of missing out on hilarious and relatable WhatsApp statuses? People often ask how to download the WhatsApp statuses and I always answer “Get FM WhatsApp.” The application provides incredible additional features, including saving WhatsApp statuses.

FM Whatsapp Status Saver

Operating FM WhatsApp is not as difficult as people think, it is similar to the original WhatsApp application but has a few additional features.

It allows users to save their WhatsApp status without using another application. However, if you are still unable to save the status of your friend then come with me to explore various simple ways to save WhatsApp statuses.

How to Save WhatsApp Status by Using FM WhatsApp?

You can get the FM WhatsApp application from any third-party website. Once you download and install the application, you need to verify your identity by entering the OTP you will receive via SMS. Enter the Two-Step Authentication code and then you will be logged in to use FM WhatsApp.

How to Save WhatsApp Status by Using FM WhatsApp?

The statuses are visible on the second page of WhatsApp. Additionally, you can see the status of a friend by clicking on his profile picture. There can be various types of statuses but FM WhatsApp restricts videos, pictures, or messages that are against the policy of WhatsApp.

Step by Step Guide to Download Status on FM WhatsApp

The downloading process is simple and straightforward requiring 3 to 5 seconds maximum. However, if you have never used FM WhatsApp before, you may find it hard to save the status.

Step by Step Guide to Download Status on FM WhatsApp

To keep things simple and straightforward, I have divided the entire process into short and simple steps, so you can effortlessly save the statuses of your friends.

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Step 1:

Open the status by tapping on its icon.

Step 2:

There will be various options below a WhatsApp status if you are using FM WhatsApp, such as copy link or save.

Step 3:

Tap on the “Save” button that has an icon of the downside arrow and it will start downloading.

Step 4:

The status will appear in the gallery of your mobile.

How to Upload Saved Status?

How to Upload Saved Status?

Another problem that people face while using FM WhatsApp is how to upload the saved status. Majority of the people waste hours understanding the simple 3-second procedure. Here is a step by step guide to upload FM WhatsApp status.

Method 1

Step 1: Open the FM WhatsApp application and go to the second page.

Step 2: Click on “My Status” and then tap the “+” icon

Step 3: Scroll up and you will see the recently downloaded images and videos.

Step 4: Select any file and tap on the green button in the right bottom to side.

Step 5: These saved status will be uploaded within 2 to 5 seconds.

Method 2:

Instead of downloading and then uploading a status, you can directly upload it without saving it.

Step 1: Open WhatsApp and tap on a status to view.

Step 2: There will be multiple options appear at the bottom, including save, copy link, and repost.

Step 3: Click on the re-post on the far right side.

Step 4: The status of a contact will be reposted on your profile.

What Should I Do If My FM WhatsApp Save Status Feature Does Not Work?

It is possible that the FM WhatsApp status save feature stopped working. In such conditions, I advise all my friends to use alternative methods.

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What Should I Do If My FM WhatsApp Save Status Feature Does Not Work?

Alternative methods are simple but they may take a little more time because the user has to switch from one application to another.

Status Save Via Using MX Player

If you are unfamiliar with the MX Player, it is an audio, and video media player designed for Android that we can also use to save statuses from FM WhatsApp.

Status Save Via Using MX Player

The method is explained in short and simple steps so you can effortlessly save FM WhatsApp status within a few seconds.

Step 1: You can download MX Player from the Play Store.

Step 2: Open MX Player and tap on the three-line option.

Step 3: Click on the “WhatsApp Status Save.”

Step 4: Select the status you want to save.

Step 5: Click on the download button and it will take 3 to 5 seconds to save the status.

Why Does My FM WhatsApp Application Not Save Status?

Why Does My FM WhatsApp Application Not Save Status?

People frequently complain that their FM WhatsApp application does not save statuses. They state that the status save option appears but when they click on it and check the gallery to find the saved status, they find nothing there. There can be various reasons why your FM WhatsApp is not properly working.

Bugs and Glitches

FM WhatsApp is an efficient application but still it may face bugs and glitches that can restrict your activities. To solve these issues, I advise my friends to update the application.

Go to the settings of FM WhatsApp and click on “Check Updates.” Download the updated model and run it on your cell phone.

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Cache Memory Issues

Another commonly observed reason why FM WhatsApp does not properly work because of the cache memory issues. It is the memory an application does not need frequently and if we delete it, the application can work better than before.

Go to the settings of your cell phone and then click on the “Apps.” Scroll down and find FM WhatsApp then open it. Tap on “Storage” and then click “Clear Cache” to delete the cache memory, and now open the application to check if FM WhatsApp is saving statuses.

Final Words

FM WhatsApp is one of the most used mod versions all around the world so it is possible that the application become a victim of bugs, glitches, or cyberattacks and its features stop working.

In such cases, you can use the alternative method that is most trusted while other ways require the assistance of threatening third-party websites and applications. Anyhow, I have explained how you can download FM WhatsApp status with the help of an inbuilt feature as well as via MX Player; additionally, I explained how you can resolve FM WhatsApp status save feature is not working issue.

I hope this information will help you in the future; thank you.

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